Instructions - Debugging - Application Verifier


Application Verifier allows you to apply stringent oversight to user mode processes of your selection. Application verifier is included with the Windows SDK. You configure it either from its GUI or the command line to 'watch' an application with oversight settings you specify. You can also optionally attach a debugger to 'watch' the process and enable dumps to be generated, etc.


Application Verifier
Windows SDK and emulator archive
Wikiwand - Microsoft Windows SDK
Operating System Version
User Account Control


• Determine the latest Windows SDK whose components are compatible with the target OS:
    · Typically a Windows SDK is compatible with an OS version one downlevel from the OS version the Windows SDK targets.
        · e.g. the Windows 8.1 SDK is largely compatible with Windows 6.1, and the Windows 10 SDK 1507 is largely compatible with Windows 8.1.
    · However, individual components within the Windows SDK may not be downlevel compatible.
        · e.g. Windows Performance Toolkit may not be downlevel compatible.
    · Windows SDK and emulator archive

• Install the Windows SDK component: Application Verifier for Windows

• PSPRO recommends installing the following Windows SDK components:
    · Application Verifier for Windows
    · Debugging Tools for Windows
    · Windows Performance Toolkit


• Obtain a list of applications and their settings that should be verified in your investigation.

• Open 'Application Verifier':
    · x86: Windows Button | Windows Kits | Application Verifier
    · x64: Windows Button | Windows Kits | Application Verifier (X64)

        · The window 'User Account Control' will appear.
            · Click: OK
        · The window 'User Account Control' will close.

        · The window 'Application Verifier <xx.x> <(xXX)>' will appear.
            · Where '<xx.x>' is the Application Verifier version number.
            · Where '<(xXX)>' is:
                · x86: absent
                · x64: (x64)

            · For each application, repeat the following:
                · Select: File
                · Click: Add Application
                · In the dialog box, navigate to the application and select it.
                · Click: Open
                · In 'Tests', select the appropriate settings for the application.

            · When application selection is complete:
                · Click: Save
                    · If the window 'Application Verifier - Debugger Required' appears:
                        · Click: OK
                        · The window 'Application Verifier - Debugger Required' will close.
                · Click: Exit

        · The window 'Application Verifier <xx.x> <(xXX)>' will close.


• Application Verifier data will be generated to the folder:
    · For x86 and x64 processes running under an account other than SYSTEM: %USERPROFILE%\AppVerifierLogs
    · For x86 processes running under the account SYSTEM: %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\Config\SystemProfile\AppVerifierLogs
    · For x64 processes running under the account SYSTEM: %WINDIR%\System32\Config\SystemProfile\AppVerifierLogs
        · The SYSTEM profile folder is inaccessible to user accounts other than SYSTEM.
        · To retrieve data in the SYSTEM profile, request the document: Instructions--SYSTEM.Access.html


• Open 'Application Verifier':
    · x86: Windows Button | Windows Kits | Application Verifier
    · x64: Windows Button | Windows Kits | Application Verifier (X64)

        · The window 'User Account Control' will appear.
            · Click: OK
        · The window 'User Account Control' will close.

        · The window 'Application Verifier <xx.x> <(xXX)>' will appear.
            · Where '<xx.x>' is the Application Verifier version number.
            · Where '<(xXX)>' is:
                · x86: absent
                · x64: (x64)

            · For each application, repeat the following:
                · In 'Applications', select the application to be removed from verification.
                · Select: File
                · Click: Delete Application

            · When application removal is complete:
                · Click: Save
                · Click: Exit

        · The window 'Application Verifier <xx.x> <(xXX)>' will close.


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